Employee Spotlight: Hispanic Heritage Month - Norimar Rios Soto

What does Hispanic heritage mean to you, and how has your heritage shaped who you are today?

To me, Hispanic heritage is the celebration of the significant contribution that Hispanic communities have made to our society, the acceptance of cultural diversity, and the promotion of inclusivity. Being Hispanic has influenced every aspect of my life. My heritage is a source of strength, resilience, and a strong work ethic, which have helped me become the woman I am today.

What is something you wish others knew about Hispanic heritage?

My goal is for others to comprehend that the term 'Hispanic' encompasses various countries and regions' cultures, languages, traditions, and histories. Hispanic is not a monolithic entity but a mosaic of vibrant and distinct cultures.

What advice (personal or professional) would you give to others of Hispanic/Latinx heritage?

My advice is to be proud of your cultural background and never let your heritage limit your ambitions.

What are some of the things you love most about your Hispanic heritage? Or what are you most proud of regarding your Hispanic heritage?

What I love most about my Hispanic heritage are food, dancing, and music. I am most proud of the warm hospitality of my Hispanic heritage. We are known for our warm and welcoming nature.


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