Dignarians Give Back

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Dignarians spending some time on the weekend to give back to the community. Pictured left to right: Trevor Milam, Gena Alexa, Suzannah Jones’ husband - Todd!, Matthew Smith, Sandy Ho, Devaki Pyla, Ritanch Hans, and John Aranha. (not pictured: Suzannah Jones)

I’m so proud of our Dignarians who pitched in this weekend at the Anacostia River cleanup at Fort Stanton in support of the Potomac Conservancy and Ward 8 Woods

Let’s face it - life is busy and work is hard - especially with clients with 24x7 national security missions. One of Dignari’s founding principles is to embrace work/life balance - and we value any time our team takes to give back to the community. I really enjoyed working alongside our passionate team who got in the trenches to clean up a site that directly impacts our DC waterways. 

Potomac Conservancy is the region’s leading clean water advocate, fighting to ensure the Potomac River boasts clean drinking water, healthy lands, and vibrant communities. They combine the grassroots power of over 23,000 members and online activists with conservation and policy initiatives to restore the Potomac River to full health.

Looking forward to many more successful Dignari community events!


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