
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses software that automates the execution of a number of repeatable tasks in the form of bots that may be implemented in an attended or unattended manner. 

RPA has the ability to transform organizations by automating many of the manual and tedious work done today by humans. This not only provides speed in execution but also reduces the risk of errors occurring. 

RPA also implements artificial intelligence technology to further your organization’s capabilities with advanced processing. This is an emerging technology that requires specific expertise in process modeling, application development, and experience with RPA software such as UIPath.  

Dignari has embraced RPA as a transformational tool for organizations. Our team is actively working with our clients to identify, define, and implement bots for attended and unattended operations. Our RPA developers use tools such as UiPath and Microsoft Flow to build custom automation processes meeting our client’s needs and monitor performance to identify opportunities for further process improvement. 

Customer Requirements: 

  • Use data from across disparate systems to provide actionable intelligence in support of mission operations 

Dignari Solution:

Our team is utilizing RPA to mimic a Tier 1 analyst by scraping biographical information, conducting searches on multiple databases, and performing basic data entry operations.  The bot modifies its search parameters based on the biographical information it finds and applies logic to search results to determine an individual’s status or if additional searches are required.  

Outcome for the Customer

RPA allows our staff to perform more analyses because it eliminates menial and redundant tasks, reduces manual data entry errors, and allows the staff to focus on more unique and dynamic scenarios.